Simple Strawberry Cheesecake Dessert Box. Browse For Yummy & Hassle-Free Strawberry Cake Recipes From Kraft®. This is a simple recipe made with pre-made components for a quick treat. This is such an easy dessert to make.
This recipe was created because of my love of strawberry cheesecake. I had these ingredients in my pantry and thought I'd give it a whirl. Wow, the flavors are just like strawberry cheesecake, only in a warm, comforting cake version. Mommy bisa menyajikan Simple Strawberry Cheesecake Dessert Box melalui 9 ingredients dan 6 langkah-langkahnya. kira-kira seperti ini cara mengerjakannya.
Ingredients of Simple Strawberry Cheesecake Dessert Box
- Siapkanlah dari biskuit marie/regal.
- Kamu perlu dari mentega, cairkan.
- Siapkanlah dari susu cair.
- Inilah dari keju cheddar parut.
- Inilah dari perisa lemon/1 sdt perasan lemon/jeruk nipis.
- Inilah dari kental manis.
- Inilah dari tepung maizena.
- Siapkanlah dari agar plain.
- Inilah dari selai strawberry.
It's a whole lot easier than making cheesecake, too! Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Using a medium ice cream scoop, scoop half of the strawberry cookie dough onto the prepared baking sheet and flatten slightly with the back of the scoop. Strawberry Cheesecake is an easy recipe for delicious spring and summer dessert.
Simple Strawberry Cheesecake Dessert Box cara membuatnya
- Hancurkan kepingan regal, beri mentega cair, aduk rata. Tekan di dasar box. Kalo mau tebal crustnya ditambah jadi 10 keping dan menteganya tambahkan 1/2 sdm yaa..
- Panaskan susu menggunakan api kecil, kemudian masukkan keju parut, aduk biarkan sampai keju lumer..
- Tuang kental manis dan perasan jeruk lemon, aduk rata. Fungsi lemon agar memberikan hint asam khas cheesecake..
- Masukkan maizena yang telah dilarutkan dengan sedikit air, aduk rata cepat terlebih dahulu pastikan tidak ada yang bergerindil. Baru masukkan bubuk agar plain, aduk rata lagi..
- Masak adonan hingga mengental dan meletup. Matikan api, biarkan dingin sesaat..
- Tuang adonan ke dalam box, diamkan di kulkas selama 30 menit. Oleskan selai strawberry, simpan kulkas hingga set. Siap disajikan. Cheesecakenya lembut dan padat seperti umumnya cheesecake yang pake gelatin. Gurihnya crumb, lembutnya cheesecake dan manis asamnya strawberry bikin match 🤩.
This cake will look perfect at your Easter table, too! This strawberry dessert is the classic, melt-in your-mouth New York Style Cheesecake with a delicious twist! It's finished with a gorgeous homemade strawberry topping and it tastes as amazing as it looks! Cut through top layer only with a knife to swirl strawberry sauce. Serve reserved strawberry sauce with cheesecake.
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