Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Langkah Mudah Memasak Nikmat 123. CHOCOLATE BANANA BROWNIES

123. CHOCOLATE BANANA BROWNIES. Chocolate and banana are good partners, and you definitely will taste that layer of banana. Nice texture, nice flavor, and good brownies! Soft, cakey, and fudgy, this breakfast bombshell is a banana bread-brownie hybrid that's anything but boring!.

123. CHOCOLATE BANANA BROWNIES Everyone loves a rich fudge brownie so why not add a little more flavor with hints of banana. These easy homemade brownies are made without a mixer, just stir and bake! You end up with a brownie that's incredibly moist. Ibu Bisa mengolah 123. CHOCOLATE BANANA BROWNIES melalui 9 resep dan 7 caranya. beginilah caranya mengerjakannya.


  1. Inilah dari pisang ambon, lumatkan.
  2. Siapkanlah dari telur.
  3. Kamu perlu dari gula pasir.
  4. Siapkanlah dari tepung terigu.
  5. Kamu perlu dari coklat bubuk.
  6. Siapkanlah dari Dcc, cincang kecil.
  7. Inilah dari minyak sayur.
  8. Inilah dari Topping.
  9. Kamu perlu dari Coklat/ choco chip.

They have a hint of cocoa, the mild banana flavor that you love from banana desserts, and tons of chocolate chips. Add applesauce, cocoa powder, maple syrup, milk, vanilla and espresso powder and blend until smooth. This Healthy Moist Chocolate Banana Brownies Recipe makes fudgy, gooey chocolate banana brownies that are moist, healthy, and oh-so delicious. It's a perfect dessert, a tasty afternoon snack, or even a delicious breakfast!


  1. Siapkan bahan dan panaskan oven dengan suhu 180 °C.
  2. Campur kemudian ayak terigu dan coklat..
  3. Kocok telur dan gula dengan kecepatan sedang, sampai gula larut.
  4. Masukan pisang dan tepung sampai tercampur..
  5. Tambahkan minyak dan coklat aduk sampai tercampur rata.
  6. Tuang kedalam loyang yg sudah di alasi kertas bakar. saya pakai loya g 30 ×10. Bakar dengan suhu 180°C 35 menit atas sesuaikan oven. Angkat.
  7. Tunggu dingin siap disajika, selamat mencoba😍😍.

This is the best dairy-free, egg-free treat and it's a satisfying scratch to your chocolate-craving itch! Combine the butter, sugar and chocolate in a large pan over a gentle flame, stirring until melted and smooth. COMBINE flour, whole-wheat flour, baking powder and salt in small bowl. Add banana mixture to flour mixture, gently stirring until just combined. In a bowl, use a fork to mash the bananas.


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