Mirror Glaze Cake. A mirror glaze cake is when a shiny glaze made of chocolate, sweetened condensed milk and gelatin is poured over a frozen cake and it has a super shiny appearance like a mirror. It can be made with dark chocolate, white chocolate or colored. To make the glaze, add sugar, sweetened condensed milk and water to a medium saucepan over medium-low heat.
It's just about the coolest thing since cauliflower crust or avocado toast (in our opinion), but way more difficult to pull off. Level the yellow cake(s), then frost with a smooth, even layer of buttercream. For the mirror glaze, in a small bowl, bloom gelatin in ¼ cup room temperature water. Ibu dapat menyiapkan Mirror Glaze Cake melalui 7 ingredients dan 5 tutorialnya. beginilah caranya mengerjakannya.
Ingredients of Mirror Glaze Cake
- Inilah 1 sdm dari gelatin (10 g).
- Siapkanlah 50 ml dari air untuk melarutkan.
- Kamu perlu 85 g dari white chocolate compound.
- Siapkanlah 50 g dari Susu kental manis.
- Kamu perlu 75 g dari gula pasir.
- Siapkanlah 50 g dari air.
- Kamu perlu secukupnya dari Pewarna.
Pour the colored glazes back into the biggest bowl of black and blue glaze. Swirl them gently with a spoon. Place the cake on a stand over a sheet tray to catch any excess glaze. Carefully pour the glaze over the cake.
Mirror Glaze Cake instruksinya
- Larutkan gelatin halal dengan 50 ml air selama 5 menit..
- Potong2 coklat putih, agar cepat leleh nanti ketika akan digunakan. Tuang SKM kedalam mangkok berisi coklat tsb..
- Panaskan gula pasir dan air di panci hingga larut diatas kompor. Setelah larut, angkat, masukkan dalam mangkok tadi. Aduk rata, dgn pelan agar tak ada gelembung. Bisa disaring lagi jika perlu..
- Beri pewarna sesuai selera. Siapkan cake yg telah diberi cover butter cream, yg telah dibekukan dlm kulkas minimal 4jam agar BC set. Tunggu suhu ruang, atau adonan glaze agak sulit dijatuhkan dr sendok, tuang di atas cake.
- Hias cake sesuai keinginan. lalu tunggu dingin, atau bisa dimasukkan kedalam kulkas kembali :).
Mirror glaze or mirror glaze cakes aka shiny cakes are the latest trends in the cake world. Pouring The Mirror Glaze Over The Cake. Remove the smoothed buttercream cakes from the fridge or freezer (must be fully chilled before glazing) and place on a circular object on top of a large baking sheet to catch the run-off glaze. I like to rest the cake on a small cake pan or a wide and short glass. Begin pouring the onto the center of the cake, then slowly work your way out to the edges.
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